Nicki Laborie, owner of Bar Reyna collaborated with designer Christopher Paunil, which she says is a perfect fit. “We created a dessert and a cocktail in the same colour palate of white and pink, to align with Christopher Paunil’s Uber feminine style. Chef Ariel Coplan created a dessert shaping a meringue to highlight the shape of a woman’s body. The ‘Pink Pavlova’ is a meringue with pistachio semi-freddo, raspberry coulis and fresh mint,” says Laborie.
“Eleni Brock, our mixologist, created the “Informal Therapist” cocktail inspired by a term which Christopher Paunil described as the inspiration for his upcoming collection. The cocktail includes lychee, raspberry, gin and agua fava, a chick pea water, making the cocktail completely vegan, just like the designer,” says Laborie.
Nicki Laborie, owner of Bar Reyna collaborated with designer Christopher Paunil, which she says is a perfect fit. (RENATA KAVEH)